Wednesday 7 May 2014

Concept Art: Trollbella's final piece

Like with my Red Riding Hood final design, I have also started with thumbnails to give myself more variety to choose from. 
In this scene I want to show a complete contrast in mood but not be so scary that it wouldn't be shown to children. Trollbella takes a liking to one of the main characters 'Connor' and i wants to show 'Trollbella' in a charming light to contrast with the spooky atmosphere.
After creating my first environment with red i started enjoy the challenge of creating an environment without much organisation like in the hallway of the place.
Before adding my characters i thought this background could stand out by itself unlike the hallway scene where it seems to depend on the character. so i have added this image to my portfolio as a sole environment.

in this final scene i needed it too seem darker so that the environment looks scarier and in turn makes 'Trollbella' look bright and interesting. I knew that just making i the scene more black wouldn't work as it would just make the environment smaller so i looked at other pictures and cartoon films to see what they had done to darken their scene. luckily I found that adding a dark purple/blue lightly over top gave the intended atmosphere without making it too scary.
Overall by doing this scene last I seemed to understand what went wrong/right with queen reds scene and was able to develop the skills i had learnt.

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