Wednesday 31 October 2012

These are my first itterations and as you can see I have started to narrow down the characters I like.i have firstly started looking at different hair colours next I will try different clothes and hair styles but at the moment im quite proud of my progress

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Short Story Synopsis

Short Story Synopsis
The soldier is a construction worker on the Empire State Building in Manhattan getting little money in the great depression for brave work. On the way home from work the worker walks into an old woman who says she is a decedent from the Native American Indians.She tell him about the secret burial ground underground through a pot-hole, which contains riches. the young worker becomes interested and follows the old woman's instructions on how to get these riches. He encounters monsters from Native American myths first a dwarf-like creature who is small but clever, the second a water serpent and lastly the great spirit. The worker give each creature food and tobacco so the creatures would bless him.
The worker becomes a wealthy gentle man in a matter of seconds after finding hundred upon thousands of dollars in the tunnel as well as an ancient native american mask that can summon these spirits. the gentleman decides to keep the money and the mask for himself so he kills the woman in cold blood and runs away to seek his new life.
Now living wealthy and happily he starts to hear rumors about the rich businessman who owns the empire state building daughter, who is kept away from others as there are rumors that she could fall for any man easily even an underclass man.
the gentleman starts to use the mask to summon the spirits enabling him to stalk the young woman so he can learn everything about her so that when he finally meets her she will have to marry him immediately. His plan unfortunately fails as her parents dislike the gentleman's origins and sly personality. After hearing this the gentleman summons the great spirit, killing the girls parents brutally in front of her. Distraught, the young woman vows to get revenge on the gentleman killing him in cold blood like he killed them.       

Sunday 21 October 2012

Native American legends

To replace the dogs in the story I decided to look at native American spirits and monsters. this links in well with my 1930's theme as young people started to become interested in their culture and beliefs. the first creature I looked at was a chupacabras:


The most common description of chupacabras is a reptile-like creature, appearing to have leathery or scaly greenish-grey skin and sharp spines or quills running down its back. This form stands approximately 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 m) high, and stands and hops in a similar fashion to a kangaroo. In at least one sighting, the creature was reported to hop 20 feet (6 m). This variety is said to have a dog or panther-like nose and face, a forked tongue, and large fangs. It is said to hiss and screech when alarmed, as well as leave behind a sylphic stench. When it screeches, some reports assert that the chupacabras' eyes glow an unusual red which gives the witnesses nausea.

Another description of chupacabras, although not as common, describes a strange breed of wild dog. This form is mostly hairless and has a pronounced spinal ridge, unusually pronounced eye sockets, fangs, and claws. It is claimed that this breed might be an example of a dog-like reptile. Unlike conventional predators, the chupacabra is said to drain all of the animal's blood (and sometimes organs) usually through three holes in the shape of an upside-down triangle or through one or two holes.
Pasted from <>

But decided after looking at some reference pictures that the chupacabra looked similar to a dog so I looked a bit more deeper into the history and myths to find more unusual and stranger creatures. this included looking at the great spirit the creator of the world, a man who turned into a sea serpent, a kachina and a dwarf-like creature. 
in the end i chose upon the first creature being a dwarf creature, the second a Gonaquadet and the last the great spirit. this works well in my story as the myths said that any of these creature would accept food, tobacco or sacrifices in exchange to be blessed and protected.

100 Silhouettes

welcome to my blog where i will be blogging my projects for my game art and design course. The first project is transferring the Hans Christian Anderson's Tinderbox into a certain time and place; mine is 1930 America. These are my 100 silhouettes I'm glad to see the development in my drawing as well as the positioning of the body. unfortunately its going to be hard to decide which silhouette to choose. But by thinking about the tinderbox and the personality of the princess i will choose at least 5 silhouettes to explore and detail in colour.