Monday 28 April 2014

Concept Art: starting my final design

I haven't done a final design on character for a while so I thought I would play it safe and do quick thumbnails which encapsulated the character as well as the environment she lives in.
In the scene when we are introduced to Queen Red Riding Hood its in her palace where she greets her friend 'Jack' who she is madly in loved with. i wanted to give this welcoming maybe even flirtatious look. also the scenes in the palace depict red as self obsess with portraits of herself every where as well as the colour red. after creating these thumbnails i went through the ones i liked and looked at merging two together to get both the character and environment correct which is the bottom-left thumbnail. 

My first worry about this scene is the pose 'Red' is doing as her hand is coming toward the audience which I saw as a challenge as i find hands hard to draw especially when at a odd angle. Also in the past i have found environments hard to do as i have had problems with perspective, so i see this final piece as a challenge.

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